What is HackCorruption?
Accountability Lab is hosting the fifth HackCorruption event to identify and support talented individuals from the civic tech, CSO, and activist arenas, to build innovative solutions to combat corruption. The hackathon is supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the U.S. Department of State and the USAID Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise and Development Gateway. Our Balkans regional hackathon will take place in Tirana, Albania from 19 – 22 September. Up to 75 changemakers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and North Macedonia will work together in teams over a three-day period. Participants will receive fully-funded trips to participate in the event.
Teams with the most promising ideas will be eligible to receive financial support of up to $10,000, mentorship, and ongoing training to help them build out their ideas. They will also participate in a 3-day intensive in-person boot camp in Albania in November.
Who will participate?
Technologists, civil society professionals, activists or students with an interest in creating tools to fight corruption and make your country more transparent are invited to apply. We are planning for a diverse cohort of participants who have ideas related to the 4 HackCorruption problem sets below, and we also welcome ideas that would counter corruption at a transnational level.
Applications are accepted on the following basis:
- Applicants are eager to create uncommon solutions to complex corruption-related challenges using technology. You do not need to be a technologist to apply!
- You can apply as an individual or as part of a team. If you apply as a team, each member should submit an individual application form. We welcome teams that are diverse in both background and expertise.
- Based on past experience, we highly recommend that you consider applying as a team, as we’ve seen teams of people who have worked together before or who are based at the same organization do really well in this project.
- Applicants must be citizens or residents of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and North Macedonia. Note that citizens and permanent residents of the US are not eligible.
- You must be 18 or older. There is no age limit.
- Able to travel to Tirana, Albania, from 19 – 22 September. You need to have a valid passport when you submit your application if you aren’t based in Albania.
- You must be able to participate comfortably in English.
- Read our rules and regulations here.
Please read our FAQ and Application Instructions document before you start the application process. It will help you prepare.
Problem Statements
Budget and Ownership
Create ideas that lead to greater budget transparency for government agencies and beneficial ownership transparency in the private sector.
Open Contracting & Transparency of Public Procurement
Create solutions to reduce corruption & fraud in the public contracting process by increasing transparency and ensuring proper delivery of essential public goods and services to citizens.
Illicit Finance
Create technological interventions that prevent or deter activities or enablers related to the illicit flow of financial resources.
Climate Finance Transparency
Create solutions that increase transparency in government expenditure in relation to climate change and energy transition interventions.
Participants will be encouraged to create tools and approaches to curb the threat of transnational corruption within the scope of any of the 4 problem sets above. Transnational corruption crosses borders, involves global networks, and strips countries of their wealth in a massive transfer of resources from developing to developed countries.
Problem Statements
Budget and
Create ideas that lead to greater budget transparency for government agencies and beneficial ownership transparency in the private sector.
Open Contracting
& Transparency of
Public Procurement
Create solutions to reduce corruption & fraud in the public contracting process by increasing transparency and ensuring proper delivery of essential public goods and services to citizens.
Illicit Finance
Create technological interventions that prevent or deter activities or enablers related to the illicit flow of financial resources.
Create solutions that increase transparency in government expenditure in relation to climate change and energy transition interventions.
Participants will be encouraged to create tools and approaches to curb the threat of transnational corruption within the scope of any of the 4 problem sets above. Transnational corruption crosses borders, involves global networks, and strips countries of their wealth in a massive transfer of resources from developing to developed countries.
Welcoming participants from


Bosnia and Herzegovina


North Macedonia
Keyping has built a platform for citizens, journalists, researchers, and government officials interested in analyzing information at a national and transnational level for signs of corruption. They were one of our winners of HackCorruption Latin America.